Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
4 yrs B.Tech. programme in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Overview of Departmental Infrastructure
Departmental Laboratories (with major experimental facilities & equipment)
RTD [PT-100], Flow meters, Kinematics viscometer Moisture Meters, Thermistor. A/D & D/A converter, Wave and Spectrum Analysis (FS/94), 20 MHz CROs, 25 MHz DSOs, Function Generators, Digital Multimeters.
Thermocouple , RTD [PT-100], Temperature Sensor [Thermistor], Temperature measurement by IC sensor. Capacitance Level Measurement trainer kits. Dead Weight Tester with weights (upto 40 Kg). Digital IC Trainer Boards (BL/88/II), Electronic Ciruit Designer kit (Developed by Dept. of AEIE, AOT). 25 MHz DSOs, Function Generators, Digital Multimeters.
8051 kit. Stepper Motor , 8-channel A to D converters. EPROM UV Eraser, 8086 Microprocessor , 8255. VLSI Trainer Kit(MAKE-SIMS), General Purpose interface module (SIMS), Simulation Software -XILINX 8.1i.
PLC (HONEYWELL). DCS (HONEYWELL). P- IV Computer , Design software ELLIPSE SCADA Software (HONEYWELL). Muffle furnace (Temp. range upto 12000C).
Duplex Thermocouple(K-Type). Smart Temperature Transmitter (HONEYWELL).
PID Controller with programmer (HONEYWELL). Orifice Plate, Veturi tube. Flow Transmitter (HONEYWELL ), Electromagnetic flow meter (HONEYWELL ), Rotameter. I/P Converter, Monoblock Pump, Electro Pneumatically Operated Control Valve. Pressure transducer (Piezo resistive), Bourdon Pressure Gauge,Pressure Transmitter,Preassure switch. Electrically actuated control valve.
Level Transmitter, Gauge Glass, Pneumatic Compressor.
© Academy of Technology 2008 | All rights reserved

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
Overview of Departmental Infrastructure
Departmental Laboratories (with major experimental facilities & equipment)
RTD [PT-100], Flow meters, Kinematics viscometer Moisture Meters, Thermistor. A/D & D/A converter, Wave and Spectrum Analysis (FS/94), 20 MHz CROs, 25 MHz DSOs, Function Generators, Digital Multimeters.Thermocouple , RTD [PT-100], Temperature Sensor [Thermistor], Temperature measurement by IC sensor. Capacitance Level Measurement trainer kits. Dead Weight Tester with weights (upto 40 Kg). Digital IC Trainer Boards (BL/88/II), Electronic Ciruit Designer kit (Developed by Dept. of AEIE, AOT). 25 MHz DSOs, Function Generators, Digital Multimeters.
8051 kit. Stepper Motor , 8-channel A to D converters. EPROM UV Eraser, 8086 Microprocessor , 8255. VLSI Trainer Kit(MAKE-SIMS), General Purpose interface module (SIMS), Simulation Software -XILINX 8.1i.
PLC (HONEYWELL). DCS (HONEYWELL). P- IV Computer , Design software ELLIPSE SCADA Software (HONEYWELL). Muffle furnace (Temp. range upto 12000C).
Duplex Thermocouple(K-Type). Smart Temperature Transmitter (HONEYWELL).
PID Controller with programmer (HONEYWELL). Orifice Plate, Veturi tube. Flow Transmitter (HONEYWELL ), Electromagnetic flow meter (HONEYWELL ), Rotameter. I/P Converter, Monoblock Pump, Electro Pneumatically Operated Control Valve. Pressure transducer (Piezo resistive), Bourdon Pressure Gauge,Pressure Transmitter,Preassure switch. Electrically actuated control valve.
Level Transmitter, Gauge Glass, Pneumatic Compressor.
© Academy of Technology 2008 | All rights reserved